General linguistics for S5 students

General linguistics in the sense in which the term Linguistics used and understood today is a new science. It dates only in the end of the 19th century , but this does not mean that there had been no previous studies of languages spoken in the world.

The essential outline:
1. The historical development of linguistic theory
2. The Greeks:
- Convention vs Nature
- Analogy vs Anomaly
3. The Middle Ages:
- Europe
- The Arabic Linguistic Studies
4. From renaissance to the 19th century:
- Renaissance
- The Port Royal Grammar
- Indo-European Philology
5. The Twentieth Century Linguistics:
- Ferdinand DeSaussure
- Structuralism
- The prague school
6. Linguistics in America:
- American structuralism (behaviorism)
- Chomsky & Generative Grammar.
A bientôt :) !

General linguistics for S5 students General linguistics for  S5 students Reviewed by i.Chater on 04:13 Rating: 5