Study Skills

This course aims at achieving the folowing objectives:
1- To endow students with the necessery tools to become effective and independent learners.
2- To help the be deeply immersed in the learning process required at the college level.
3- The course also intends to introduce students to some of the basic techniques of study and 3- the course also intends to introduce students to some of the basic techniques of study and reaseach. It is equally devised to enable them to master some of the practical skills in time of management, team work, oral presentation, note taking, learning styles, ect. The following chapters will be covred.

We will cover the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Time management (Download)
Chapter 2 Study Skills 
Chapter 3 Learning Styles
Chapter 4 Note Taking Skills
Chapter 5 Getting Motivited 
Chapter 6 Autonomous AND Individual Work 
Chapter 7 Team Work  
Chapter 8 Oral Presentation 
Chapter 9 Exam Preparation

This document is made by :
ER-RAMI Mohamed Amine

A bientôt ;) !
Study Skills Study Skills Reviewed by i.Chater on 03:08 Rating: 5