The Problem Of Translating Idioms

The aim of my presentation: 
-Highlight up on some of the main problems that translation students face which is ‘the translation of idioms 
  According to Hassan Ghazala: an idiom is a fixed phrase whose form is usually unchangeable , and whose meaning is always the same inflexible , metaphorical and indirect.
For example: ‘hard task’ can be directly translated into ‘ مهمة شاقة’ , whereas tall order can not be because it should not be translated into an unclear ‘ أمر/نظام طويل’ in Arabic , but into ‘ مهمة شاقة ‘ as a fixed indirect meaning , therfore the first example is not an idiom but the latter is
 Discussing the problems of translation in his book Translation As Problems and Solutions Ghazala divided his analysis of the problems of translating idioms into 3 groups:
Group A : Direct idioms.
Group B : Indirect idioms.
Group C : Phrasal Verbs.

This document is made by:
Assia Aya.
Good Luck :) !
The Problem Of Translating Idioms The Problem Of Translating Idioms Reviewed by i.Chater on 03:15 Rating: 5